Editorial Board

Dr. Bob Gill
British Columbia Institute of Technology
Research Interest: Sustainability, Sustainable Development, Renewable Energy Technologies, Power Generation, Energy Engineering, Energy Conversion, Energy Efficiency in Building Distributed Generation, Energy Saving Electricity, Energy Management, Energy Modeling, Solar Energy, Solar Radiation, Energy Utilization, Life-Cycle Assessment, Sustainable Energy, Alternative Energy, Clean Energy, Green Energy, Energy Modelling.

Dr. Satyajit Chakrabarti
Institute of Engineering & Management
Research Interest: Machine Learning, IoT, Big Data Analytics, Data Mining, Algorithms, Robotics, Sensors, Human Computer Interface, Networking & MANET, Wireless Communication.

Dr. Abir Chattopadhyay
University of Engineering and Management, Kolkata
Research Interest: Solid state Electronics, Microelectronics,
Sensors, Actuators.

Dr. Malay Gangopadhyay
Institute of Engineering & Management
Research Interest: Microwave Technology, Antenna, IoT, Robotics, Wireless Communication.

Md L. Ali
Rider University
Research Interest: Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Behavioral Biometrics, Deep Learning, Cyber Security, Data Mining and Big Data Analytics

Dr. Shahab Tayeb
California State University
Research Interest: Smart Renewable Energy Grids: Collaborative research on privacy-preserving cloudlets for critical infrastructure
- Securing Smart Cities by Design: Collaborative research on utilizing deep learning to detect zero-day anomalies
- eHealth/mHealth: Collaborative research on indoor positioning systems
- CyberInfrastructure of Solar Energy-Water-Environment Nexus in Nevada: Collaborative research on compression techniques for environmental big data
- Countering the Use of UAS as Delivery Vehicles of WMD: Collaborative research on improving detection through synergy of predictive analysis of Delivery Vehicles and capabilities of UAS, and development of a full-mesh network to be used for geo-fencing against threats
- Science DMZ: Collaborative research on facilitating use of dedicated bandwidth for research big data traffic
A Deep Learning Approach for Network Dynamics: Designed a framework for automatic discovery of malicious IP clusters using Graph Theory and Deep Learning

Dr. Heba Elgazzar
Morehead State University
Research Interest: Machine Learning, Data Science and Data Mining, Network Science and Network Analytics, Social Networks, Image Mining and Image Processing.

Dr. Ashiq Adnan Sakib
Florida Polytechnic University
Research Interest: Asynchronous Design, Advanced Digital Design, Low-power Design, and Formal Verification.